Thursday, January 27, 2005

Urban legend for Bukit Kiara

Another day of "healty walk" to Bukit Kiara. When I reach the hillside car park around 7:45pm, the sky is getting dark. Thanks to the soltice effect and the city light pollution, the sky is still bright enough for me to see the road going up hill.

On my way of walking back to the car park, my feet is getting sore. To reduce the shock going down the hill, I start walking in zigzag format. Feel bored, I turn on my little maglite solitaire torch light and let it hang outside my shirt pocket. And then the story begin.

A car moving up hill, hmmm probably some late comer.

Keep walking in zigzag format with the torch light still on

Suddenly the car turn on the high beam towards my direction and turn to low beam after few second.

Keep walking in zigzag format with the torch light still on

Now the car almost reach the gates, turn on his high beam while I am still 50 meters away, walking in zigzag format.

Suddenly the car take the fastest U-turn I ever saw and leave the hill side.

Then I realise......, the driver might think I am a ghost with ghost fire following around.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Ulam, Malaysia salad

"Ulam" in Malay is a group of edible vegetables, with little preparation before consume. I have once ask the Pakcik that selling the vege but can memorised the name. Here is 2 common ulam that best serve with Sambal belacan chilli

taste : fresh. When I eat this, my colleage always say I look like "sheep moving the grass".

taste : like fresh lemon juice, minus the sourness and bitterness of the lemon skin.

Some other common ulam - Petai, Kacang botol, boiled banana flower.

Moon walker

Reach Bukit Kiara 7:30pm. On my way back, the pathway is all dark. But tonight is a special night: this is a night with moon.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

More MIC for CNY

Made in China(MIC) lar. If the Children in US think Santa is from China, then it will not be complete for Chinese to celebrate Chinese new year (CNY) with some decoration from China. You can bring one home for as low as RM68. The price for the lion head range from RM68 to RM88.

- Plastic eye with battery operated bulb. No, it will not emit dead ray, neither it will emit red laser.
- Losens thread string. This will guarantee it will never last, and give you excuses to buy new one next year.
- Color Fading guarantee. See above.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Star Trek Enterprise 0.1701A

For KLmers, the building is pretty obvious. Sometime you don't need to stick to "correct" orientation.

Shot this when meeting up with John (AKA Bimmer - Photomalaysia) to get my Eclipse cleaner fluid and pec*pad. Thanks John for all the trouble getting the items from Singapore. :)

Bukit Kiara firefly : All not lost

Another day in Bukit Kiara. Reach there at 7.30pm. As usual, the sky getting dark when I walking back from the "detour" point.
When I reach "yet-another-monkey-favourite-party-point", I notice some light blinking in the bushes. Yes, it is a firefly. But it didn't last, after 5 second, the firefly dissapear behind the bush. Since female firefly doesn't fly, so I spot a dim light behind the bushes. So indeed, some fireflies survive.

Nope, I can't snap the firefly, not without tripod and a super bright lens. Anyway, this is a night with moon. Although there is no street light in Bukit Kiara, you don't feel spooky at all. And you know you are not lonely because there is some evening joggers behind you. (or you can pretend there is one).

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Evening Rain

Hopefully our fireflies friend in Bukit Kiara regain their breeding ground from the rains.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

My domain, bwahahaha

Just register the my domain with godaddy . Soon I will be move to a server to show of some of my porn half-pail water photo collections.

Monday, January 17, 2005

All is lost. No more fireflies in Bukit Kiara

Another day at Bukit Kiara.
If you are stay around Taman Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI), You can't miss Bukit Kiara. Most of the time, I alway refer the hill as "the hill next to the TTDI IBM plaza".

I use to be Bukit Kiara "walker". It help me shakes of the extra weight, not to forget the extra bonus *SYL sighting. If you happen to be a frequent evening visitor of Bukit Kiara, you will get some extra bonus beside the SYL and monkey : the fireflies.

Yes, fireflies in Bukit Kiara, this is not a typo! They are not as much as what you see in Sekinchang. Indeed, it is rare for Klang Valley to have such convenience sighting of fireflies. Klang Gate dam might have some firefly too but is never as convenient. My last visit to Bukit Kiara is around October 2004, before the Kuala Lumpur municipal council done some "renovation cum beutifaction works".

When I visit the common fireflies sighting place, to my shocking, the glass is chopped off due to some stupid "cleaning works" while plastic bag is everywhere. Oh shit, the fireflies need a clean but a moist environment to breed. Without those glass, the female fireflies can easily dried out due to lack of moist. And thank to the clearing works that destroy the habitate, I don't see a single blink even I stay till 8pm.

Do not feed the monkey

Have fun with the mimosa. This is the TREE version of mimosa. It can growth as high as 2 meters.

It the leaves "shy" when you touch it.

1. *SYL : Sweet Young Lady. Abbreviation borrow from the doc blog.

2. Mimosa leaves automatically close/shy away at night.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

100KG flower leis for Pak Lah

You don't see this kinda jokes everyday.
According to the evening edition (Sunday 16 Jan 2005) of printed media China press, IPF (a BN members party) pay respect to Pak Lah with a 100KG flower leis. It require 10 person to bring the leis to the stage.

Excerpt from china press

As in the picture, the flower leis is so huge and heavy that the PM can't hardly move when putting on shoulder. IMHO, the flower leis is common during festive season in india where the buffalos or elephants are decorates with the flower leis.

Just choose one of the following idea that you think
1. To test his strenght
2. To break his neck
3. To intimate he is as strong as buffalo
4. To break some Malaysia boleh record
5. Some IPF VIP family member own a flourist.
6. ???

Saturday, January 15, 2005

When single man/woman attend wedding dinner

It is the worst nightmare for single attending wedding dinner, especially when your age reach 1/3 of the century (ok, 30+ years old lah).

If you attend a friend wedding dinner, you will find some Ah beng and Ah Lian showing off their "great family" life and asking about your "close opposite sexfriend". When you answer "I am still single" and guess what, you will feel some jealousy from their eye (sorry if you didn't possess the power of The Force to scan homosepient feeling) and they quickly spit out the pity sentence, "Wow, when will you find your another half and show it to us?". The strange things is, even a guy will suffer no worse then a girl these they, those Ah Beng and Ah Lian think you are gay or lesbian for being single.

Luckily, in friend dinner you can always find enough single and fight back. First you will show the immobalise(with children), heavy debth(lots of installment to settle) married couple where have you been in last 6 months. One of my friend is really best on this, he always bring a thick book of traveling photo. While other singles will show their travelling, collection, etc personal freedom by directing the topics toward their advantages.

So you have fun with your friend wedding dinner. However, you don't have such luxury in your close relative wedding dinner. (For not so close relative, it is wise to FFK)
Imagine attending your cousin wedding dinner, oh damn the hell broke out. All your relative will start showing off their (perhaps not so happy) married son/daugther and questioning your parents when they will get the invitation.

Holy cow! Not everyone are as lucky as DrLiew with "chun" RCPN and make people mouth shut in the first place. My parent have to manuever with all sort of stupid reason while the relative grin with a evil smirk. Imagine when this happen to the girl.

Inspire by xercix I just feel like looking for the singles girl-friend I know to cover each other fire. Until we can come of with better solution, perhaps using works to FFK is a good idea for relative's kid wedding dinner.

Friday, January 14, 2005

My half-pail virgin blog

First blog, too lazy. Easier to blog with photo.

I name this - Incredible life. Pretty obvious isn't it. Isn't it astonish? The height of the wall is 2 meters. The plant survive with little water and soil.

And you think your life are tough!

The dark side

Ok, many people will call it weed. The plant spread by the bird. The bird eat the plant fruit and shit the seeds. The plant are commonly found in place where the bird rest their feet.