When single man/woman attend wedding dinner
It is the worst nightmare for single attending wedding dinner, especially when your age reach 1/3 of the century (ok, 30+ years old lah).
If you attend a friend wedding dinner, you will find some Ah beng and Ah Lian showing off their "great family" life and asking about your "close opposite sexfriend". When you answer "I am still single" and guess what, you will feel some jealousy from their eye (sorry if you didn't possess the power of The Force to scan homosepient feeling) and they quickly spit out the pity sentence, "Wow, when will you find your another half and show it to us?". The strange things is, even a guy will suffer no worse then a girl these they, those Ah Beng and Ah Lian think you are gay or lesbian for being single.
Luckily, in friend dinner you can always find enough single and fight back. First you will show the immobalise(with children), heavy debth(lots of installment to settle) married couple where have you been in last 6 months. One of my friend is really best on this, he always bring a thick book of traveling photo. While other singles will show their travelling, collection, etc personal freedom by directing the topics toward their advantages.
So you have fun with your friend wedding dinner. However, you don't have such luxury in your close relative wedding dinner. (For not so close relative, it is wise to FFK)
Imagine attending your cousin wedding dinner, oh damn the hell broke out. All your relative will start showing off their (perhaps not so happy) married son/daugther and questioning your parents when they will get the invitation.
Holy cow! Not everyone are as lucky as DrLiew with "chun" RCPN and make people mouth shut in the first place. My parent have to manuever with all sort of stupid reason while the relative grin with a evil smirk. Imagine when this happen to the girl.
Inspire by xercix I just feel like looking for the singles girl-friend I know to cover each other fire. Until we can come of with better solution, perhaps using works to FFK is a good idea for relative's kid wedding dinner.
If you attend a friend wedding dinner, you will find some Ah beng and Ah Lian showing off their "great family" life and asking about your "close opposite sexfriend". When you answer "I am still single" and guess what, you will feel some jealousy from their eye (sorry if you didn't possess the power of The Force to scan homosepient feeling) and they quickly spit out the pity sentence, "Wow, when will you find your another half and show it to us?". The strange things is, even a guy will suffer no worse then a girl these they, those Ah Beng and Ah Lian think you are gay or lesbian for being single.
Luckily, in friend dinner you can always find enough single and fight back. First you will show the immobalise(with children), heavy debth(lots of installment to settle) married couple where have you been in last 6 months. One of my friend is really best on this, he always bring a thick book of traveling photo. While other singles will show their travelling, collection, etc personal freedom by directing the topics toward their advantages.
So you have fun with your friend wedding dinner. However, you don't have such luxury in your close relative wedding dinner. (For not so close relative, it is wise to FFK)
Imagine attending your cousin wedding dinner, oh damn the hell broke out. All your relative will start showing off their (perhaps not so happy) married son/daugther and questioning your parents when they will get the invitation.
Holy cow! Not everyone are as lucky as DrLiew with "chun" RCPN and make people mouth shut in the first place. My parent have to manuever with all sort of stupid reason while the relative grin with a evil smirk. Imagine when this happen to the girl.
Inspire by xercix I just feel like looking for the singles girl-friend I know to cover each other fire. Until we can come of with better solution, perhaps using works to FFK is a good idea for relative's kid wedding dinner.
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