Thursday, January 27, 2005

Urban legend for Bukit Kiara

Another day of "healty walk" to Bukit Kiara. When I reach the hillside car park around 7:45pm, the sky is getting dark. Thanks to the soltice effect and the city light pollution, the sky is still bright enough for me to see the road going up hill.

On my way of walking back to the car park, my feet is getting sore. To reduce the shock going down the hill, I start walking in zigzag format. Feel bored, I turn on my little maglite solitaire torch light and let it hang outside my shirt pocket. And then the story begin.

A car moving up hill, hmmm probably some late comer.

Keep walking in zigzag format with the torch light still on

Suddenly the car turn on the high beam towards my direction and turn to low beam after few second.

Keep walking in zigzag format with the torch light still on

Now the car almost reach the gates, turn on his high beam while I am still 50 meters away, walking in zigzag format.

Suddenly the car take the fastest U-turn I ever saw and leave the hill side.

Then I realise......, the driver might think I am a ghost with ghost fire following around.


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